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четверг, 13 февраля 2025 г.

Alcyone- WHAT IS “THOUGHT” – THE HIGHER POWERS OF THE UNIVERSE ANSWER contactee Marina Makeeva- rus-eng parallel text-mp3 podcast


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DeekSeek AI Summary: The document titled "WHAT IS 'THOUGHT' – THE HIGHER POWERS OF THE UNIVERSE ANSWER contactee Marina Makeeva" is a transcript of a spiritual communication between Marina Makeeva, a contactee, and various higher powers or systems of the universe. The central theme of the document is the exploration of the nature of thought, its role in creating reality, and its connection to spiritual and physical healing.

Key Points from the Document:
Definition of Thought:

Thought is described as an impulse that creates reality. Each individual has their own reality, which may or may not intersect with others' realities.

Thought is a formed particle that implements what we call "I think." It can create spaces, receive information, and encourage actions.

Thoughts can help or upset a person, depending on their nature.

Levels of Thought Formation:

First Level: Thoughts formed in the conscious mind.

Second Level: Thoughts originating from the subconscious or unconscious.

Third Level: Thoughts perceived through frequency resonance from other entities in the superconscious.

Thoughts as Frequency:

Thoughts are described as frequency flows that are emitted and refracted through an individual's internal prism of perception.

Different thoughts have different frequencies, which can be measured in hertz. Low-frequency thoughts are associated with negative emotions like fear, hatred, and anger, while high-frequency thoughts are linked to joy and happiness.

Thoughts and Healing:

Thoughts can be used for healing both the physical body and the subtle bodies (emotional, mental, etc.).

The Teacher System and Healing System of the universe emphasize the importance of understanding how to work with thoughts to achieve healing and balance.

Thoughts and Reality Creation:

Thoughts are a tool for creating reality. The document suggests that individuals create their own reality through their thoughts, but this process is also guided by the will of the Prime Creator.

The Aspect of the Prime Creator explains that thoughts are energy of creation, which can manifest as both waves and particles depending on the level of refraction.

Thoughts and Karma:

The Karmic Guardians describe thought as an active creative force that can create or neutralize karma. Thoughts are tools for spiritual growth and can influence future lives.

Divine Connection:

The document emphasizes the importance of connecting with one's Divine Part or Higher Self, which guides individuals through their thoughts and actions.

By aligning with the frequency of Love, individuals can transform their reality and experience clarity in their thoughts

вторник, 11 февраля 2025 г.

From The Secret Summaries by Rhonda Byrne rus-eng parallel text-mp3-podcast.mp3

 From The Secret Summaries by Rhonda Byrne

 rus-eng parallel text-mp3-podcast.mp3

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DeepSeek AI Summary "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne is a self-help book that revolves around the law of attraction, which suggests that positive thoughts can bring positive outcomes into a person's life. Here are the main ideas from the book:

  1. Law of Attraction: The central concept of the book is the law of attraction, which states that like attracts like. This means that positive thoughts attract positive experiences, while negative thoughts attract negative experiences.

  2. Thoughts are Magnetic: Your thoughts have a magnetic power that draws experiences, people, and circumstances that match the nature of your thoughts. By focusing on what you want, you can attract it into your life.

  3. Ask, Believe, Receive: The process of manifesting your desires involves three steps:

    • Ask: Clearly define what you want.

    • Believe: Have unwavering faith that you will receive it.

    • Receive: Be open and ready to accept what you have asked for.

  4. Visualization and Affirmations: Visualizing your goals and using positive affirmations can help reinforce your desires and keep your focus on what you want to achieve.

  5. Gratitude: Practicing gratitude is emphasized as a powerful tool for attracting more positive experiences. By being thankful for what you already have, you can attract more abundance.

  6. Emotions and Feelings: Your emotions are a guide to your vibrational frequency. Positive emotions indicate that you are in alignment with your desires, while negative emotions suggest a misalignment.

  7. Focus on the Present: Living in the present moment and maintaining a positive mindset is crucial for attracting what you want. Worrying about the future or dwelling on the past can disrupt your ability to manifest your desires.

  8. Universal Intelligence: The book suggests that there is a universal intelligence that responds to your thoughts and feelings. By aligning yourself with this intelligence, you can co-create your reality.

  9. Action and Inspiration: While thoughts are powerful, the book also acknowledges the importance of taking inspired action. When you feel inspired to act, it is a sign that you are in alignment with your desires.

  10. Abundance Mindset: The Secret encourages an abundance mindset, where you believe that there is more than enough for everyone. This mindset helps you attract wealth, health, and happiness.

Overall, "The Secret" promotes the idea that you have the power to shape your reality through your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. By focusing on positive outcomes and maintaining a grateful and optimistic attitude, you can attract the life you desire.

From The Power of Awareness by NEVILLE Goddard rus-eng parallel text mp3 podcast.mp3

 From The Power of Awareness by NEVILLE Goddard

 rus-eng parallel text mp3 podcast.mp3

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DeepSeek AI Summary : The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard is a spiritual classic that emphasizes the transformative power of consciousness and imagination. Here are the main ideas:
Awareness is Power: The core premise is that your state of awareness shapes your reality. By becoming conscious of your thoughts, beliefs, and imagination, you can transform your life.
Imagination Creates Reality: Neville teaches that imagination is not just fantasy but the creative force behind your experiences. What you imagine and feel as real will eventually manifest in your physical world.
Assume the Feeling of the Wish Fulfilled: To manifest your desires, you must embody the feeling and state of already having what you want. This shifts your consciousness and aligns you with your desired reality.
The Present Moment is Key: Reality is created in the present moment. By focusing on the present and living as if your desires are already fulfilled, you bring them into existence.
You Are God: Neville often refers to the divine nature of the individual. You are the creator of your reality, and your consciousness is an expression of God. By recognizing this, you can harness your creative power.
Change Your Consciousness, Change Your Life: To change your outer circumstances, you must first change your inner state of consciousness. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.
Persist in Your Assumption: Consistency and persistence in maintaining the feeling of your wish fulfilled are crucial. Doubt and inconsistency can delay or prevent manifestation.
The Law of Assumption: This is the principle that what you assume to be true (with feeling and conviction) will harden into fact. Your assumptions shape your reality.
Detach from the Outer World: Neville advises not to focus on external conditions but to turn inward and focus on your desired state. The outer world will eventually conform to your inner assumptions.
Love and Unity: Neville emphasizes the importance of loving others and seeing them as you wish them to be. By imagining the best for others, you uplift yourself and contribute to a harmonious reality.
In summary, The Power of Awareness teaches that your consciousness is the ultimate creative force, and by mastering your imagination and assumptions, you can shape your reality in alignment with your desires.

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